
Our 1000% guarantee: people will ask you where you got yours from.

  No better time for a bliss revolt 

  "Wear these game changing designs into any yoga studio and two things are guaranteed to happen:

  • people will approach you to compliment you on them and ask you where you got them from.
  • Even those who don’t approach you will be mesmerized by them."

Nick Jennings, Bliss Revolt CEO & Founder

Our Purpose

Do you celebrate life by wearing vibrant colours? In that case, Bliss Revolt has got your back! We challenge you to find a store with designs as harmonious and colourful as ours. Our full range of 12 mandalas has something to suit everyone's taste and personality. We owe it to you the customer to provide the life enhancing experience of wearing our stunning mandala designs, named after your favourite BC locations. Our affordable retail & bulk prices, including free shipping anywhere in Canada and the US, will appeal to yoga and outdoor enthusiasts, yoga studios and apparel stores. There's never been a better time for a bliss revolt!

"We're living in a time of tumultuous change, when vision and creativity are needed as never before. Bliss Revolt yoga apparel is revolutionary because its designs represent years of artistic trauma therapy: the creative output of deep healing. The purpose behind Bliss Revolt Chill Wear is to create therapeutic, wearable art aimed at those embracing wellness culture. Local to Bowen Island BC, we're an ethical, community-focused business effecting positive change and contributing to worthy causes."

Nick Jennings, Bliss Revolt CEO & Founder

Our Story

Each of these designs is the result of months of meticulous colour experimentation using patterns created by hand. Between 2014 and 2022, Bowen Island-based artist Nick Jennings, CEO and founder of Bliss Revolt, created 12 large acrylic mandalas on stretched canvas. 11 of them are 3 foot by 3 foot, and one is 4 foot by 4 foot. They are all hand-drawn and painted using rulers and shapes created from card as well as from household objects such as jam jar lids and children's building blocks. The initial motivation to create such things came after a visit to home furnishing stores for suitable wall art yielded nothing but mediocre offerings. A stronger motivation lay in using these processes to work through and heal significant trauma. Bliss Revolt started out as an Etsy store. However, the unprecedented demand for our products outstripped their profitability, and so the Etsy store was disbanded. In the summer of 2022, the original mandala paintings featured in a solo show by the artist entitled Mandalas, Docks and Boats, at the Hearth Gallery on Bowen Island. The overwhelming success of this show led to the publication of a 2022 calendar. The memory of how popular the high resolution digital scans were when printed on yoga apparel, pillow cases, duvet covers and other products led to the decision to create an online store. Head to our store now and find your design!

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